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  1. A timely reflection on Liverpool and our lives

    At a time when COVID 19 has made people fearful, isolated or alone, Jeff Youngs new book, Ghost Town, offers not only a fascinating read but also a reflection on all those things that are important to us, our families, friends and communities. Its a deeply felt and beautifully written journey through Jeffs Liverpool childhood, the adult writer stalking Liverpool alone or with friends, searching for a past lost, regained, remembered so viscerally that the reader feels intimately connected to the child Jeff longing to leave the hospital where hes had his tonsils removed or to the older man out walking with writer friend, Horatio Clare, in search of de Quincey in Everton.

  2. Art and Design students travel the world

    The annual Susan Cotton and Sue Dunthorne Travel awards are open to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the school, designed to enhance students personal and career development through travel and impactful experiences. Successful applicants for the Susan Cotton Awards receive a budget of £1500 to spend on the trip of a life to their choice of destinations, while the Sue Dunthorne Travel Bursary is an award of £500 to travel anywhere in the UK or overseas.

  3. Art and Science Exchange

    On Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th August 2019, the MA Art in Science programme at Liverpool School of Art and Design hosted an Art & Science Exchange workshop with members of the Biochemical Society. The exchange was held at the John Lennon Art and Design Building, in the Public Exhibition Space and X-Gallery amongst the MA Art in Science student's end of programme postgraduate exhibition, which showcases the outcomes of their three month research projects. These projects served as a basis for investigation of specific art-science interactions, and were supported by open discussions, hands on activities and a Liverpool LASER talk.

  4. Liverpool LASER Talks: Within Touching Distance

    The emergence of immersive technologies such as VR Headsets and Game Engines provide new opportunities for artists and scientists alike. In this Liverpool Art Science Evening Rendezvouz (LASER) Talks we bring together speakers from very different disciplines whose work greatly extends the potential of these tools within neuroscience, health immersive theatre to reveal insights into the artistic, scientific and technological basis of their unique illusionary and immersive power.

  5. Led Ride - June

    The Environmental Sustainability and Energy Team at LJMU are holding a number of cycling based activities and events throughout the year