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  1. Record-breaking supernova discovered

    Astronomers scanning the sky to make new discoveries in the universe have witnessed a record-breaking cosmic explosion about 200 times more powerful than a typical supernova - and more than twice as luminous as the previous record-holding supernova.

  2. Graduation review Tuesday 10 July

    The Liverpool Business School and the School of Law graduated today, while Dr Steve Garnett was given an Honorary Fellowship in recognition of outstanding achievement in the use of technology in social change

  3. 'Africa is rising' says Roscoe Lecturer

    International visionary PJ Cole, last night delivered the 141st Roscoe Lecture using his platform to set out the role the African continent will play in driving global prosperity, as well as reflect on his life and work in Sierra Leone.

  4. In memoriam: Dr Malcolm Dixon

    It is with great sadness that LJMU announces the passing of Dr Malcolm Dixon who worked here for 30 years, until his retirement in 2015.

  5. One of only eight universities to secure prestigious international funding

    LJMU has been awarded approximately £490,000 from Research England’s first ever International Investment Initiative (I3). The award has been jointly made to LJMU and The University of Western Australia (UWA) for the international collaboration project, i-CARDIO. The project has a dual focus; the first component is the delivery of workshops to develop innovative ways to detect cardiovascular diseases for preventative intervention using imaging techniques. The second element is the evaluation of Australia’s model of accreditation of clinical exercise scientists and physiologists. The accreditation incorporates university and work place-based learning to enable graduates to secure roles in the healthcare system as recognised allied health professionals.

  6. LJMU submits 600 academics to Research Excellence Framework 2021

    On March 25, the University hands over its best research to the 2021 Research Exercise Framework, the REF. With more than 600 academics put forward and dozens more colleagues behind the scenes, the REF is arguably the largest project undertaken by the university community.