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  1. LJMU VC PhD Scholarships

    The scheme has supported more than 100 high-class doctoral students in becoming part of our vibrant research community, which is delivering world-leading and internationally-excellent research across the institution.

  2. All You Need is GaP

    Just a reminder that all externally funded projects must be both registered (a GaP project created) and costed on our Grants and Projects (GaP) system from 1st July 2020.

  3. Improving how medicines are managed in the NHS

    The first research collaboration in the UK between a hospital, university and community pharmacist is taking place through a unique project from LJMU, the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust and LloydsPharmacy.

  4. How drone research is driving global technology

    Drone research at LJMU is branching out into new areas including working with Google Maps and Google Earth engines and introducing a ‘Civic Drones programme’ for the business community.

  5. Thought-provoking Roscoe Lecture

    Journalist and human rights activist, Rebecca Tinsley, delivered a thought-provoking Roscoe Lecture which delved into the human psyche, asking if genocide is part of our nature.