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  1. Dr John Cater CBE

    Read the oration for Dr John Cater on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.

  2. Media, Culture, Communication

    If you want to explore a wide range of media forms, discuss key questions about the role of the media in everyday life, and come out as a highly employable graduate with a range of skills, this may be the course for you.

  3. Postgraduate study with RISES

    We provide a research training environment with opportunities for students and staff to develop their academic, theoretical, technical and research methods skills. Find out more about the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Science's postgraduate study, seminar programme, CPD, and conferences.

  4. Simone Durr

    School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

  5. Rodney Holmes

    Read the oration for Rodney Holmes on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Robin Leatherbarrow.