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  1. April is Autism Acceptance Month

    Bethany Donaghy, PhD student at LJMU, shares her personal experience with autism, describes common misconceptions, and talks about diagnosis and support.

  2. Protect your data online

    Here's some simple steps you can take to look after your own data and digital wellbeing, from passwords to phishing attempts.

  3. Support for transgender and non-binary students

    We now have dedicated information on our student support webpages, for transgender and non-binary students, to find out how to get help and support while at university, as well as requesting a name change via LJMU.

  4. New support for staff development

    The university will shortly be introducing a new system to support you in recording and tracking performance and development conversations.

  5. Researchers launch 'world's most advanced nutritional' app

    PhD student David Dunne has worked with Harlequins, QPR and the Ryder Cup team to maximise the physical potential of athletes. Together with ex-PhD Sam Impey, David has raised £450k to launch training companion app Hexis, claimed to be the world's most intelligent nutrition system. He spoke to us to explain more.