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  1. Does this painting offend you?

    Was Manchester Art Gallery's removal of JW Waterhouse's Hylas and the Nymphs a brilliant conversation-starter or a PC act of censorship? History of Art lecturer Dr Juliet Caroll and students give their thoughts

  2. Student Information System Upgrade

    The University’s Student Information System (SIS) is being upgraded. SIS will be unavailable during the upgrade, from 5pm on Thursday 21st November until 8am on Tuesday 26th November.

  3. Honorary Fellow Daniel Libeskind

    Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Daniel Libeskind at Liverpool Cathedral on Thursday 12 July 2018.

  4. Schoolgirl researchers visit world-class sport science labs

    The year 9 pupils from Liverpool's Holly Lodge Girls College spent two days working alongside world-class scientists in physiology, biomechanics and sport and exercise psychology, as well as current LJMU students, to gain expert insight into sport science research methodology.