International Scientific Committee for River Flow 2024
International Scientific Committee
International Scientific Committee
The River Flow 2024 programme is subject to change and will be finalized soon. Registration will open from 8am, while sessions will run from 8.30am to 5.30pm, with lunch provided at 1pm.
Whether you are a company or an organization working in the sector, River Flow 2024 will represent a great opportunity to engage with hundreds of experts in the sector, or attract new talents. As a sponsor, you have the unique opportunity to showcase your organization's commitment to advancing the field and network with influential professionals in the industry, demonstrate your leadership and expose your brand.
The Stephen E. Coleman Best Paper Award is given biennially for the best paper submitted to the River Flow Conference Series first authored by a young researcher. This award was established by the IAHR Fluvial Hydraulics Committee in September 2014, in memory of Prof. Stephen E. Coleman (1966–2012).
59th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference takes place 3-5 April 2023 in Liverpool. Find out more about this event.
Information about Liverpool for those attending the ASC 2023 conference.
The Liverpool Centre for Olympic Research on Inclusion (LCORI) are part of the global network of Olympic Study Centres and the first of its kind in the world to focus exclusively on inclusion.
Our social work expertise includes fostering and adoption; child protection, anti-oppressive practice, working with marginalised groups, user-driven healthcare, substance misuse and more. Our research aims to promote social justice and improve people's lives.
Find out about the research taking place within the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies.
Situated in the Faculty of Technology and Environment, the Mechanical Engineering and Materials Research Centre (MEMARC) conducts research into mechanical engineering, materials, applied mathematics, as well as dynamics and control areas.