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  1. Network Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion

    The purpose of the Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion is to support the University in driving forward the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda at Faculty and Professional Services level and ensure local issues inform the Diversity and Inclusion overall approach.

  2. Job Grading and Pay

    Find our more about job grading and pay at Liverpool John Moores University

  3. Teaching and Learning Academy surveys

    The Teaching and Learning Academy assist in the admin, interpretation and results' dissemination of surveys, the outcomes of which inform teaching practice and improve the student experience.

  4. Shortlisting

    Shortlisting is the process of identifying candidates from the applicant pool who best meet the essential (and sometimes desirable) criteria set in the Person Specification for the vacancy they are recruiting to.

  5. Women Professional Services Network

    The University Women in the Professional services (WPS) is for all female staff in professional services at all levels. Established in 2022 we see the Network as taking a fundamental role to the University strategic mission and to become a visible and proactive consultative group on issues of gender diversity.

  6. Your LJMU, Your Voice staff survey

    LJMU carried out an exercise in the spring of 2023 to learn more about the experiences of staff working for the university. Your LJMU, Your Voice was a survey of all staff to find out how factors like our culture and values help them to do their job and feel part of the LJMU community.