Search the LJMU website

  1. Teaching and Learning Academy surveys

    The Teaching and Learning Academy assist in the admin, interpretation and results' dissemination of surveys, the outcomes of which inform teaching practice and improve the student experience.

  2. Your LJMU, Your Voice staff survey

    LJMU carried out an exercise in the spring of 2023 to learn more about the experiences of staff working for the university. Your LJMU, Your Voice was a survey of all staff to find out how factors like our culture and values help them to do their job and feel part of the LJMU community.

  3. Establishing a vacancy and vacancy approval

    A vacancy may arise for a number of reasons, such as staff resignation, retirement or a new post (either temporary or permanent) may be required due to taking on new projects or responsibilities.

  4. Website updates

    Details about significant projects planned for the LJMU website.

  5. FAQs

    Redeployment at LJMU - Frequently asked questions