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  1. Ricky Wang

    International student Ricky is studying media, culture and communications at LJMU and has embraced the cultural differences of Liverpool compared to his home nation of China.

  2. Louisa Flitter

    Louisa Fitter is a Civil Engineering Senior Project Manager at the Environment Agency, and she was chosen as a Bicentenary year honorary fellow for her work as a STEM ambassador for women in engineering and being a role model to current LJMU students.

  3. Anna Kaparaki

    Anna is a trailblazing expert in maritime law who strives for the advancement of women in the sector. In her role as a lecturer with LJMU’s School of Engineering she works alongside colleagues to promote inclusivity and diversity within the university and by connecting with key maritime organisations, both in the region and internationally, to bring about positive change across the sector.

  4. Jo Stanley

    Dr Jo Stanley is a historian. Read about women who worked for Elder Dempster Lines, as well as two detailed pieces about the lives of two of Elders' former female employees - May Quinn and Julia Andrews.

  5. Our Chancellor

    The Chancellor Nisha Katona MBE is Chancellor of LJMU.