Student Recruitment, Marketing and Admissions take LJMU to Northern Ireland
Academics, professional service staff and students travelled to Belfast for a recent university applicant day.
Academics, professional service staff and students travelled to Belfast for a recent university applicant day.
LJMU is taking part in No Mow May as part of our commitment to enhancing biodiversity and the environment.
Landmark study finds serious violence costs £185m to region
25 Athletes from across the UK attended the first ever Para Laser Sport training event at LJMU’s Sport Building this week.
From this month the process to join a staff network has moved to the LJMU website and Microsoft Teams, making it even easier to join one of LJMU’s staff networks
At the beginning of July, nearly 100 Year 12 students from Northern Ireland, Wales and across the rest of England took part in a three-day residential visit to LJMU to experience all that the university has to offer.
Interview with organiser Dr James Crossland
The LJMU Library website has had a major refresh over summer and has launched this week ready for the new academic year.
Leading sport scientist puts the case for not locking-down leisure
Forensics students at LJMU have been taking a unique look into Liverpools maritime past in a dig at the world famous Albert Dock.