First cohort graduates from Leadership Skills programme
Partnership tackles problem of 'accidental managers'
Partnership tackles problem of 'accidental managers'
With knowledge across a range of sport science disciplines, LJMU experts have gathered to discuss the Birmingham Commonwealth Games 2022 in a new episode of the 1823 Podcast.
They are most-commonly associated with a blocked nose and headaches but the humble sinuses could hold an important key to the evolution of the human face.
LJMU researchers have carried out a major national study on behalf of The Royal British Legion which shows the breaks and holidays they offer military veterans and their families hugely improves their mental health and well-being.
A facial reconstruction exhibition featuring facial depictions co-curated and co-produced by Director Prof Caroline Wilkinson and Dr Maria Castaneyra-Ruiz, a visiting postdoctoral fellow, from LJMU Face Lab, is to be exhibited in El Museo Canario in Las Palmas.
Over 80 percent of the orangutan’s remaining habitat in Borneo could be lost by the year 2080 if the island’s current land-use policies remain intact.
In a new study, published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, researchers have for the first time simulated how these massive stars seemingly fade away and disappear when they enter their pre-explosion phase.
Lockdown is an emotional rollercoaster full of loss and uncertainty, say teenagers in a new video film about the pandemic.
BETTER LIVING advice from LJMU experts is a key theme at Eureka Merseysides new Science + Discovery visitor attraction.
School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment becomes testing centre for AutoCAD and Revit