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  1. SDG 10 - Reduced inequalities

    LJMU strives to enable equality for all people regardless of income, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, class, ethnicity, religion. Our international and collaborative research aims to give a voice to minoritised and vulnerable communities and end poor treatment of human beings. Our research extends to improving the treatment of women in African prisons and identifying disaster victims through our Face Lab.

  2. SDG 1 - No poverty

    We are committed to ensuring that nobody should suffer from the effects of poverty. That’s why we’re supporting our students with the cost-of-living crisis, offering safe and warm spaces on campus. This sentiment is built into our Access and Participation Plan which aims to improve equality of opportunity for underrepresented groups to access, succeed in and progress from higher education and avoid poverty.

  3. Sustainable travel for university students and staff

    LJMU has a number of strategies and initiatives in place to promote sustainable travel for University students and staff. Find out about our commitments and what you can do to help reduce emissions by taking alternative means of transport.

  4. SDG 5 - Gender equality

    We are supporting all students to have the best experience possible at LJMU, regardless of their gender. That’s why we’re the first UK university to provide free period products across campus, and we’ve set up Menopause Cafés for staff. We’re also championing gender equality in the wider community, reflected through our involvement in the This Girl Can campaign with Sport England.

  5. SDG 13 - Climate action

    We’re committed to protecting our environment and supporting a sustainable future for our students and the global community. On campus, we launched the UK’s first undergraduate degree on climate change and have revamped our buildings to reduce carbon emissions. Globally, used ground-breaking research to tackle peat fires in Indonesia and we’ve delivered flood resilience workshops in Cumbria.

  6. SDG 17 - Partnerships for the goals

    We are leading by example in our commitment to supporting the UN SDGs. As an institution, we are actively working towards these goals by prioritising actions to align our teaching and curriculum with the SDGs. Nationally, we are signatories of several covenants in support of equality, diversity and inclusion. Internationally, we’re leading a British Council consortium to address major global challenges and issues.

  7. SDG 7 - Affordable and clean energy

    We are making strides to investigate affordable and clean energy solutions, and this is reflected across our teaching, research and knowledge exchange activities. We have forged partnerships with industry to test and develop new technologies such as biogas production, we are exploring green technologies through our exemplar houses, and we are working in Japan and Malaysia to ensure electric vehicles (EVs) remain low-carbon cars.

  8. SDG 3 - Good health and wellbeing

    We work to ensure the optimal health and wellbeing across multiple societal groups, from the youngest to oldest members of society, to elite athletes and individuals with significant health and wellbeing challenges. We promote healthy lives and physical, social and metal wellbeing across Liverpool. We are also committed to tackling global health challenges in low-resourced settings in the Global South.

  9. SDG 6 - Clean water and sanitation

    At LJMU, we’re making efforts to address our water usage by installing efficient water dispensers, harvesting rainwater and using low-flush toilets in our buildings across campuses. Locally, we are promoting sustainable energy on Hilbre Island and internationally we are proud to champion the voices of islanders in the Philippines through documentaries shared at the United Nations World Ocean’s Day.

  10. SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth

    LJMU is working to promote sustainable, and equitable, economic growth. Through our work with businesses across the region, we’re supporting innovation to create low carbon goods, processes and services with international reach. On campus, our Accounting, Business and Law Clinics are providing students with valuable work experience while supporting the productivity of the wider community.