Being shy makes no evolutionary sense but is so very human
Watch Professor of English Joe Moran speak about shyness as a condition “ignored” in the current wave of attention on mental health and wellbeing.
Watch Professor of English Joe Moran speak about shyness as a condition “ignored” in the current wave of attention on mental health and wellbeing.
See our full results and more detail about LJMU Research on our Research spotlight pages. On these pages, we showcase how research has an impact – in our teaching, in our city region and in the values our university lives by.
The School of Humanities and Social Science's research sits within the following research groups: The Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion, the Research Centre for Literature and Cultural History, History and the Centre for Port and Maritime History.
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The School of Law has produced a varied portfolio of quality work within law. Find out more about this School.
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Meet the research staff within the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour and read their profiles to find out their specific areas of interest and expertise.
It is essential to decarbonise transport and logistics, one of the largest sources of greenhouse-gases emission, to save the planet. The big question to researchers, and indeed to humanity, is how to decarbonise transport and logistics effectively.
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