Search the LJMU website

  1. IT Services team

    Peter Ashton is the Chief Information Officer of LJMU's IT Services Department.

  2. Sustainability

    You'll find LJMU sustainability policies: the Biodiversity Policy, Environmental Policy and Fairtrade Status renewal.

  3. About the Elder Dempster project

    The Homeward Bound: A Liverpool-West Africa Heritage Project documents the lives and memories of Elder Dempster’s seafaring and office staff. As part of the project, we recorded 25 oral testimonies.

  4. Public information

    You'll find LJMU policies and documents related to: Academic Quality and Regulations, Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Equality and Diversity, Financial Information, Governance, Strategic Plan, Student Regulations and Sustainability.

  5. Course catalogue

    The Course Catalogue contains approved versions of LJMU-validated programmes and modules delivered by LJMU and its collaborative partners. By default, the catalogue will display the version of the programme and module for the current academic year – other years may be selected.