IT Services team
Chief Information Officer: Dr Peter Ashton
Technology in all its forms it a vital enabler to help LJMU realise many of its strategic goals, in addition to supporting the daily operation of the university. Consequently, IT Services aim to continually help colleagues achieve our aspirations around Education and Student Experience, Research and Knowledge Exchange, as well as our wider Place and Partnership goals across the city region.
We will develop, deliver and enhance our services by leading the technology elements of our digital journey to continually improve our services on behalf of our students and staff. As a team our core values are based on technology professionalism, having a customer service ethos and a can-do culture; to provide the secure, high availability access to the information technology services our students and colleagues expect, wherever they may be.
LJMU is a large organisation, with many diverse technology needs, many of which are consumed on a 24/7 basis. Likewise, the technology marketplace is continually changing. IT Services will provide technology leadership to help navigate through these challenges, including the ever-increasing threat of cyber-attack, to deliver the services all our customers need, to ensure those services are as good as they can be and that they are managed to high levels of technology professionalism.