Estate Development team

The Estate Development Department is responsible for developing the university’s estates strategy; the management, maintenance and development of the entire university estate currently comprising two campuses with 30 individual buildings.

The Estate Development team underpin all of the core activities related to creating exciting and innovative spaces to stimulate a lively teaching and learning environment; building sustainability into all core activities and ensuring a safe, healthy and efficient environment for the university community.

We are a committed and professional team overseeing space management and masterplanning, delivering on the university’s commitment to sustainability and our Climate Action Plan. We are currently focused on the exciting development opportunities in the city centre and at our Sports Campus in South Liverpool where we will deliver outstanding new teaching, learning, research and leisure facilities through new developments and the transformation of our existing buildings.

Estate Development team contact details

Telephone: 0151 231 5555 (Option 2 for Maintenance, Option 3 for all other Estate matters)

Email the Estate Development team

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