Liverpool Daily Post and Echo
Former Assistant Managing Director at Liverpool Daily Post & Echo Ltd, Mr Coligan was heavily involved in industrial relations and production changes during the 1980s.
Former Assistant Managing Director at Liverpool Daily Post & Echo Ltd, Mr Coligan was heavily involved in industrial relations and production changes during the 1980s.
Gain real-world business experience at the Liverpool Business Clinic, offering consultancy services and practical learning for students.
Explore how our Honorary Fellows play an active role in the life of the University.
Find out what you can see and do in Liverpool while you're visiting for the ECBB conference.
Liverpool Health Commission is an independent body supported by LJMU which has been set up to investigate and analyse health care policy issues, with the aim of making practical and realistic recommendations to assist policymakers.
Liverpool Health Commission is a new, dynamic initiative fully funded by Liverpool John Moores University. The Commission aims to conduct independent investigation and critical analysis of significant, key public health and health care policy issues.
With a range of full and part time Business and Management courses available, Liverpool Business School provides the perfect platform for you to progress your career. Realise your business potential by gaining the skills and qualifications you need to take you to the next level.
Find out more about the recent projects undertaken by the Liverpool Business Clinic.
Information about Liverpool for those attending the ASC 2023 conference.
Explore the Liverpool City Region case studies and the people behind them.