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  1. New book tracks nursing care in the Soviet Union

    LJMUs Dr Susan Grant has spent the last decade researching and tracing the history of nursing care in the Soviet Union, with her discoveries now documented in a new publication Soviet Nightingales: Care under Communism.

  2. Nautical Science graduate Antarctic bound

    LJMU Nautical Science graduate Robert Bellis has been named Maritime & Coastguard Agency Trainee Officer of the Year 2016, receiving his award from Shipping Minister John Hayes MP.

  3. National Teaching Fellowship awarded to Dr Craig Hammond

    LJMUs Dr Craig Hammond, a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education, has been recognised for his outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education, with a National Teaching Fellowship.

  4. A timely reflection on Liverpool and our lives

    At a time when COVID 19 has made people fearful, isolated or alone, Jeff Youngs new book, Ghost Town, offers not only a fascinating read but also a reflection on all those things that are important to us, our families, friends and communities. Its a deeply felt and beautifully written journey through Jeffs Liverpool childhood, the adult writer stalking Liverpool alone or with friends, searching for a past lost, regained, remembered so viscerally that the reader feels intimately connected to the child Jeff longing to leave the hospital where hes had his tonsils removed or to the older man out walking with writer friend, Horatio Clare, in search of de Quincey in Everton.

  5. Launch of Men's Staff Network

    The Men’s Staff Network will provide a space for colleagues to celebrate the positive contributions and achievements of men; raise awareness of the issues affecting men and boys and the associated impacts on wider society and offer opportunities for formal and informal networking and mentoring.