MyLJMU app available now
You can now download our new MyLJMU app and have all of your student needs in your pocket.
You can now download our new MyLJMU app and have all of your student needs in your pocket.
As many as 60 graduates from the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences have secured roles at professional football clubs in England and overseas over the past decade thanks to an internship scheme with Everton Football Club.
Maritime connections and raising the aspirations of women lie behind LJMU’s Winter 2019 Honorary Awards.
As graduation week ended, the final graduands of July 2019 arrived at Liverpool Cathedral with their friends and families to receive their awards.
Students from Liverpool Screen School, the School of Law, Liverpool School of Art and Design and the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies received their awards.
LJMU is "a mother of the city" says the Mowgli entrepreneur
'The Last Leg' presenter is 'our man' in Tokyo
More than 300 graduating students exhibit to public in John Lennon
Could you spare a few minutes to complete a survey about your studies? Your answers to the questionnaire will help us to learn more about what we are doing well and where we could make changes and you will be entered into a prize draw with a chance of winning a cash prize.
eDocs launch coincided with the centenary of the PhD qualification in the UK