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  1. Calling All Aurorans

    For the first time, LJMU is bringing together all colleagues who have been a part of Aurora, Advance HE's leadership development initiative for women.

  2. Making Liverpool schools sun safe this summer

    Liverpool John Moores University is working with the Skcin cancer charity and the Clare Daly Foundation to roll out the Sun Safe Schools accreditation across primary schools in the Liverpool region, which will benefit up to 10,000 children.

  3. Graduation review Wednesday 11 July

    Wednesday saw the School of Sport Studies, Leisure and Nutrition graduate in the morning and the Public Health Institute and the School of Education in the afternoon ceremony.

  4. Bicentenary year gets underway

    As our 200th year gets underway, we are excited to celebrate with you, our students and our staff, and there will be opportunities throughout the year for you to get involved.

  5. Fairtrade Fortnight film screenings

    The Liverpool Business School is hosting a series of events for Fairtrade Fortnight as part of its commitment to Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME).

  6. Prestigious Screen School appointments

    Two Liverpool Screen School academics, Dr Rex Li and Andrew McMillan have been appointed to the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Peer Review College.

  7. Strengthening links with Panama

    LJMU strengthens links with the International Maritime University (UMIP) and the Technological University (UTP) of Panama.