Liverpool School of Art and Design MA students' work celebrated in exhibition
The end of year exhibition runs until 1 September 2023, 10am – 5pm at the John Lennon Art and Design Building.
The end of year exhibition runs until 1 September 2023, 10am – 5pm at the John Lennon Art and Design Building.
This year, LJMU s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Team in partnership with LJMUs Women Academics Network, reached out to departments to find out what they were doing to celebrate International Women's Day (IWD) 2021... Read on to find out what is going on in your area!
Planning permission has been granted for a new £19 million Shakespeare theatre for Prescot, Knowsley, which will have education at its heart.
A year before Liverpool Polytechnic became Liverpool John Moores University, another major change happened at the institution. In April 1991, the Liverpool School of Nursing and Midwifery amalgamated with the Poly, laying the foundations for today’s School of Nursing and Allied Health.
See nominees for Liverpool School of Art & Design prize as online MA Show goes live
Top 50 in the UK, makes LJMU one of the top places to study, whilst also competing at university level in sport.
LJMU MA Film Festival 2022 returns for the second year premiering 40 student films from 22 countries
Communal living arrangements such as university residences can make students more at risk of contracting scabies. Find out what the symptoms are and guidance of what to do next.
Staff from LJMU’s Horizons project arranged a talk on AI for Year 10 pupils from Liverpool Life Sciences UTC.
An LJMU Social Work student has received national recognition after winning a top prize at the prestigious Social Worker of the Year Awards.