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  1. Academic Policy

    Academic policies: Academic Feedback Policy, Briefing Sheet, E-Submission Policy, Placement Learning Code of Practice, Peer review and teaching observation, Marking of Anonymised Coursework, Marking of Anonymised Examination Scripts, Personal Tutor Policy, Postgraduate certificate in learning and teaching in HE (PGCertLTHE)

  2. Identifying inclusive and disability-friendly employers

    There are a number of initiatives and organisations that support employers to ensure that their recruitment process and working practices do not discriminate against jobseekers and employees with a disability or long-term health condition.

  3. Work and study

    Are you looking to work whilst you are studying with us? Find out everything you need to know about the services we can provide to students who are looking to find employment during their studies.

  4. What it's like to work as a food buyer

    Ever thought about whose job it was to decide what products should be on the supermarket shelves? We catch up with graduate Emily Burr, a buyer for Booths Supermarket, to find out what it's like to decide what the nation eats.

  5. Aspire Combat Sports Academy

    Aspire Combat Sports Academy is Dean Garnett's mixed martial arts academy. Dean worked with the Centre for Entrepreneurship when starting his business venture.