Julia Nowack
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Discover more information about one of our sustainable development goals: Decent work and economic growth.
Discover more information about one of our sustainable development goals: Peace, justice and strong institutions.
Decolonising the curriculum is a concept that can be interpreted in many ways depending on experience, background and cultural context.
Here you will find information about travelling to the John Lennon Art and Design Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Expertise from the Academic Engagement Team for academic and teaching staff.
Positive Action are programmes and initiatives which LJMU and other organisations can take to address the under representation of communities in the workplace.
This week Chris Mackintosh and Milly Blundell have generously agreed to share their experiences of delivering a module using a flipped learning methodology.
From specially designed studio spaces to award-winning buildings, the Liverpool School of Art and Design has a range of first-rate facilities for students and staff. Find out about the facilities we have to offer.
The Liverpool School of Art and Design has been valuing innovation and enterprise since 1825. Today, our community of artists, designers, illustrators and architects deliver cutting-edge programmes, produce high-impact research and work alongside some of the world’s most iconic cultural leaders.