Fashion lecturer's designs feature in video with David Beckham
Video launches England Women's squad for Euro 2022.
Video launches England Women's squad for Euro 2022.
As part of our LJMU Equality’s ‘Getting it Right’ campaign, the team is highlighting the importance of pronouncing the names of different students and staff right.
Gebrasale 'honoured' to be part of sport science research study
LJMU is providing grants to academic staff, students, and professional services staff, to work on research across the university related to Diversity and Inclusion.
Staff and students observed a two-minute silence across campus to mark Armistice Day.
Astrophysics Research Institute wins time on STFC Supercomputer
LJMU, in partnership with the Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES), welcomed staff, students and community representatives to an engaging, interactive transgender workshop recently.
Dr Dan Perley and Dr Gavin Lamb at the Astrophysics Research Institute record phenomenal burst of energy GRB 221009A after sighting with Liverpool Telescope and James Webb Telescope.
The making of Conservation AI told on film by funding body the Science & Technology Facilities Council
Julia Midgley has sketched the return of our Roscoe Lecture Series, graduation and art and drama students' work.