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  1. From Lab Bench to Backbench

    Dr Andreea Font from the Astrophysics Research Institute at Liverpool John Moores University is swapping a lab coat for legislation as she visits Justin Madders MP, at the House of Commons

  2. International Women's Day

    International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th every year; it is a focal point in the movement for women’s rights.

  3. Is this the world's oldest oven?

    Archaeologists have unearthed baked bread and food remains from 70,000 years ago in Shanidar Cave in Iraq and published the study of early culinary skills in the journal Antiquity.

  4. Above us only stars

    A new project combining cutting edge astronomy with performance art was premiered at the European Week of Astronomy & Space Science (EWASS), organised by the European Astronomical Society and the Royal Astronomical Society in Liverpool on 3rd April.