Academic Board vacancy
There is currently a vacancy on Academic Board for a member of the Directorate to serve as a member of the Academic Board/
There is currently a vacancy on Academic Board for a member of the Directorate to serve as a member of the Academic Board/
Recent updates to policies
LCR Pride takes place on Saturday 27 July and we will be taking part in the Pride March on Saturday afternoon.
Information about the election for the Non-Teaching member of staff on the Board of Governors
Following the call for nominations, an election for the non-teaching member of staff on Academic Board will take place.
We have entered a new partnership with an award-winning contractor to maintain your facilities across the university.
Policy updates
Clearing is fast approaching and, once again, we are looking for support to staff the 105 Clearing Hotlines on Thursday 15 August 2019.
Elections for the Academic Board teaching staff will take place from 24th May until 11th June 2019.
Important Revisions to LJMU policies