Elite sport stars deliver guest lectures
The guest lecturers included Premier league football coach Mike Phelan and England International netball player Sara Bayman.
The guest lecturers included Premier league football coach Mike Phelan and England International netball player Sara Bayman.
Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Angela Samata at Liverpool Cathedral on Monday 9 July 2018.
The development of the ‘guardian project’ will see LJMU student volunteers be trained alongside street pastors to provide support, to those who need it, in Liverpool’s night-time economy, such as helping people get home or providing emotional support.
LJMU's Dr Danielle Hinchcliffe and colleagues at York St John University found only around a third of mothers returning to work in the NHS reported that their workplaces had a breastfeeding policy
Collaboration campus for manufacturing and engineering skills
Improving jockeys’ wellbeing and fitness through research and sporting partnerships
The athletes who turned to academia
LJMU academic staff travelled to Malta to recognise and celebrate the achievements of a group of graduating students.
LJMUs Positive Action Trainees were celebrated at an event this week after almost a year of working at the university, in key professional and technical roles.
LJMU students, paid £21 per hour to support local primary schools