A number of generic job descriptions have been developed to assist departments in writing job descriptions for frequently occurring roles and to enable swifter grading turnaround times for these posts.
Find out more about updating your profile photo. We have begun publishing all staff and student security card photos into AD/Azure. This means that the images will appear in Office 365, specifically Outlook and Teams.
Liverpool John Moores University deals with all personal information in a responsible manner that respects personal privacy. Find out about our usage of cookies and what information they store.
Get in contact with the Teaching and Learning Academy.
LJMU uses Courseloop as its curriculum management system. Courseloop is the Single Source of Truth that maintains a definitive record of the university's academic offering and of their associated governance meetings.
The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers, launched in June 2008, is an agreement between funders and employers of researchers in the UK and represents a significant development in national policy to support good management of researchers and their careers.
Capital expenditure represents funds invested in acquiring, upgrading and constructing fixed assets. A fixed asset is a resource the University controls and from which we can expect to derive future economic benefit for more than one year. Expenditure for any other purpose is revenue.
Harry Madden was a Junior Engineer for Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to Harry Madden's interview.
Hopefully the collated links below will bring help (and thus good cheer) to a few of you over the winter break…