Search the LJMU website

  1. RIDE resources for our staff

    LJMU is proud to be working in partnership with an array of RIDE training specialists and subject matter experts, in order to offer our staff the opportunity to raise awareness and upskill in this important domain.

  2. RIDE resources for our students

    If you would like to contribute to or participate in any RIDE initiatives, including becoming a member of our RIDE Panel please contact  Dr Tori Sprung.

  3. About the Legal Advice Centre

    Discover how our School of Law’s highly skilled academics and legal practitioners aim to educate the next generation of lawyers to the highest standard.

  4. Positive Action Training

    Find out more about the positive action training scheme that helps LJMU employ more local people of colour.

  5. Pupil and heart: Autonomic correlates of listening effort

    Are you interested in taking part in a research project that aims to identify physiological indicators of listening effort? We are looking to recruit participants for a study that examines the heart- and pupil-related responses associated with effortful listening.

  6. Postgraduate and mature students – accommodation

    If you're a postgraduate or a mature student we understand you might have specific accommodation needs. We provide you with the options and information to help you make a decision and find accommodation that suits you best.

  7. Governance, Policy and Targets

    Our arrangements for environmental management, sustainability and climate change fit within the university's governance structures which have staff and student representation.