Policy Updates
The following policies have been updated on the Policy Centre...
The following policies have been updated on the Policy Centre...
Call for nominations to fill the Non-Teaching Staff vacancy on the Board of Governors
Conservation academics encourage collaboration to protect wildlife and reduce CO2 emissions.
LJMU academics work alongside artist to create a board game that brings the experiences of life on probation to the general public.
Genetic analysis of ancient DNA from a six-week-old female infant found at an Interior Alaska archaeological site, has revealed a previously unknown population of ancient people in North America.
A FEMALE skeleton found in Mexico has strengthened the theory that humans originally reached the American continent from different points of origin.
‘Breaking Ground’ saw internationally-renowned architect Daniel Libeskind discuss the inspiration behind some of the world’s most iconic buildings, including the reconstruction of the World Trade Center, the Jewish Museum in Berlin and Manchester’s Imperial War Museum.
On the eve of this year's Eurovision song contest, LJMU Astrophysics Professor Andy Newsam analyses the UKs Space Man entry and ponders how the lyrics stand up in the real universe.
Archaeologists have unearthed baked bread and food remains from 70,000 years ago in Shanidar Cave in Iraq and published the study of early culinary skills in the journal Antiquity.
A major new study revealed how camping in 'great outdoors' improves well-being and mental health