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  1. Estranged Students Solidarity Week

    Monday 25th - Friday 29th November is Estranged Students Solidarity Week, a national campaign to raise awareness of the issues affecting students who are studying in higher education without the support of a family network.

  2. LJMU academics assess US Election race

    A week out from potentially one of the most consequential US elections in history, academics from LJMU assess some of the key factors which may decide the outcome.

  3. Accolades for students at Graduate Fashion Week

    BA Fashion Design and Communication students have been making their mark in the fashion industry with their collections at Graduate Fashion Week. A fantastic number of students were shortlisted for prestigious awards and two won their categories.

  4. Forensic scientists versus psychic detectives

    In addition to his academic work as Principal Lecturer in Forensic Anthropology, and forensic duties as an expert witness, Dr Matteo Borrini of the School of Natural Sciences and Psychology, debunks psychics who attempt to be involved in forensic investigations, and has learnt the art of magic to help decode their strategies.

  5. Honorary Fellow David Carter

    Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to David Carter at Liverpool Cathedral on Friday 14 July 2017.