Understanding time may be the key to the race against climate change - Dr Ruth Ogden, reader in experimental psychology
Dr Ruth Ogden, reader in experimental psychology, Liverpool John Moores University writes in The Conversation
Dr Ruth Ogden, reader in experimental psychology, Liverpool John Moores University writes in The Conversation
Staff and students observed a two-minute silence across campus to mark Armistice Day.
Student Advice and Wellbeing and the International team want to make staff aware in particular of an update to the Safeguarding Policy regarding under-18 international students with LJMU and collaborative partners.
A facial reconstruction exhibition featuring facial depictions co-curated and co-produced by Director Prof Caroline Wilkinson and Dr Maria Castaneyra-Ruiz, a visiting postdoctoral fellow, from LJMU Face Lab, is to be exhibited in El Museo Canario in Las Palmas.
LJMU is the UK partner in educating maritime project Skillsea
Colleagues who wish to apply to the LJMU professorship and readership conferment process for 2023/24 can now book a place on our briefing sessions.
VC Mark Power leads celebrations at 'Sustainable Futures' conference
Revealing the average faces of Liverpool
More than 80 graduate with LJMU degrees in at Oryx Universal College Qatar
LJMU researchers discover new remains at the Shanidar Cave in the mountains of Iraq.