Search the LJMU website

  1. Getting your 2024 results: Friday 7 June

    This week you’ll receive your results but how do you access them? What do they mean? And what should you do if you don’t get the results you wanted? Read our guidance and advice below.

  2. Honorary Fellow Dr Larry DeNardis

    Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Dr Larry DeNardis at Liverpool Cathedral on Wednesday 12 July 2017.

  3. Wonderful week of Bicentenary year graduation ceremonies

    Nearly 5,000 students and 65 members of staff officially graduated this week across 14 joyous ceremonies at Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral. The graduates will go down in LJMU history, picking up their accolades in the university’s 200th year.

  4. What's happening in Liverpool this semester 2023

    2023 is a big year for Liverpool John Moores University. Not only is it our bicentenary marking 200 years since the institution was founded and became the LJMU as we know it today, there’s also so much going on across the city over the coming months.

  5. Spring graduation 2024

    This April, LJMU celebrated the achievements of 2,678 students who graduated across eight ceremonies at Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral.