Research outcomes: data repository support and arts output gathering
Our Research Engagement Team within Library Services wants to know more about your research outcomes and is sharing new guidance on using the LJMU data repository.
Our Research Engagement Team within Library Services wants to know more about your research outcomes and is sharing new guidance on using the LJMU data repository.
LJMU has won its bid to host the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) in 2018.
The Institute for Cultural Capital (ICC), a collaboration between LJMU and the University of Liverpool, is conducting research to establish the role arts organisations play in their communities and nationally.
Professor Mike Riley, Head of Department for Built Environment at LJMU, has been elected as Chair of the Council of Heads of Built Environment (CHOBE).
An LJMU academic is leading a major project to explore themes of reproductive health and justice in Black communities.
Built Environment and industry partners recognise the achievements of outstanding students
A new digital exhibition book tells the moving stories that lie behind the squares of the War Widows Quilt, a collaborative piece of art made by more than 90 war widows.
Dr Matt McLain from the School of Education attended the event in Shenzhen, China.
In recognition of his services to education and his enduring support of the university’s media production, film, journalism, drama and creative writing students.
Campus Support (Security) now has a number of staff request forms available via the LJMU HelpMe portal, to help with the management of requests.