Teens explore identity for city exhibition
Fab Lab supports artists in young visions of future
Fab Lab supports artists in young visions of future
Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Louise Ellman MP at Liverpool Cathedral on Wednesday 13 July 2016.
Researchers at LJMU's School of Natural Sciences and Psychology have discovered for the first time that, unlike their adult counterparts who kiss and embrace immediately after a fight, young chimpanzees reconcile through play.
New LGBT+ Reserach Hub for staff at LJMU.
A comedy-horror film produced by students at the LJMU Screen School has been named the winner in the Comedy Entertainment category at the Royal Television Society North West Student Television Awards.
The LJMU MA Short Film Festival runs this week until Friday 31 March.
Rhiannon Wain selected for insightful, well written reviews.
Everton Football Club is once again offering LJMU staff and students discounted tickets to a range of fixtures this season.
Module evaluation is open now
An international team of scientists, led by the China University of Geosciences in Beijing and including palaeontologists from the Liverpool John Moores University, has shed new light on some unusual dinosaur tracks from northern China. The tracks appear to have been made by four-legged sauropod dinosaurs yet only two of their feet have left prints behind.