More than 300 students get health and wellbeing boost with sport nutrition support
1-2-1 practical sessions led by LJMU sport nutrition specialists and student interns.
1-2-1 practical sessions led by LJMU sport nutrition specialists and student interns.
LJMU and JMSU have a range of support available if you are struggling with covering basic expenses such as food, housing and bills. Plus there's an array of discounts and giveaways across campus.
Government calls on expertise of LJMU plant biologist for energy solution
Several policies have been updated.
Evolutionary biologists Dr Laura Buck and Dr Kyoko Yamaguchi write in The Conversation on how human species (hominins) have coped with cold climates over the millennia.
LJMU School of Law teams up with Liverpool Advocates for Windrush to improve access to legal redress
LLJMU and the University of Liverpool and have been awarded £1m for a new Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in data intensive science.
Families in Cyprus have been able to finally lay their relatives to rest thanks to a humanitarian project involving anthropologists from LJMU who have recovered and identified remains from multiple war graves.
The University Financial Regulations and other supporting policies have received important updates. Read the latest from Finance Director Hannah Argo.
The launch of the programme, yesterday evening at Liverpool John Moores University, saw the 26 leaders finding out who they had been paired with.