Search the LJMU website

  1. Access and Participation

    Find out more about the university's commitment and approach to removing barriers for students to access and succeed in higher education.

  2. Rat Island

    Face Lab produced a 3D facial depiction of a 19th Century adult male from skeletal remains recovered during rescue excavations on Rat Island, Gosport near Portsmouth.

  3. Function of blood vessels

    Are you over 50 years of age and would like to take part in a research project looking at the effects of exercise on the function of blood vessels?

  4. Student equity at LJMU

    Find out more information about how LJMU ensures all students have equitable opportunities and are supported to access, succeed in and progress in higher education.

  5. Rachael Grace

    Rachael is the winner of the Rose Paterson Sportswoman Community Award 2023 for her dedication to the sport of netball in Liverpool. Not only is she an inspiring community sports coach she juggles teaching and being a mum alongside her own development, having most recently gained an MPhil with LJMU.

  6. Just the job for Ryan

    Read Ryan Paden's story - two years into his three year MA in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice, Northern Irish student Ryan has the job he wants and a bright future ahead of him.