Is university for me?
Considering university brings about a myriad of thoughts and feelings. Third year Adult Nursing student ,Natalie Beltran gives her perspective on why taking the leap back into study was worth it.
Considering university brings about a myriad of thoughts and feelings. Third year Adult Nursing student ,Natalie Beltran gives her perspective on why taking the leap back into study was worth it.
Post-match analysis on the World Cup game between Colombia and England from Science and Football students.
The value of a university education has been a hot topic for some time. We look at the benefits to doing a degree - why it's a valuable investment in the professional and personal future of students.
Chloe Thomas and Kara McDougall talk about their experiences as women in the engineering sector.
The School of Sport and Exercise Sciences has chosen to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities by highlighting the successes of some of our past students.
Science and Football students give their post-match analysis of the Croatia and England game of the World Cup.
Sam Lee and Henry Ogden, BSc (Hons) Science and Football students, share their experiences of their trip to Clairefontaine, the training base for the French national team.
Geography students, Holly Hadden and Georgina Harriss, share their experiences of a recent field trip to Almeria, Spain.
The historic sporting rivalry between England and South Africa has often been marred by political protests and controversy.
Bipedal movement has existed in modern reptiles for much longer than we previously knew, writes Dr Peter Falkingham