Search the LJMU website

  1. Make a payment

    Online payments at LJMU, pay your fees, pay international fees, browse the online shop or top up your virtual purse

  2. Our services for business

    Find out more about LJMU's services for business, including our academic consultancy services, training and support for business start-ups.

  3. Managing your money

    Get free financial support from LJMU's Student Advice Team, plus our top 10 budgeting tips to help you manage your money and enjoy university life.

  4. Outreach – meet the team

    Get to know the Outreach Team at Liverpool John Moores University and discover how they support students on their education journey.

  5. Printing, printers

    All the information you need to print and top up your virtual purse at LJMU.

  6. Women in science

    To celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we talk to five of the top female scientists at Liverpool John Moores University to find out their thoughts on how to get more women and girls into their fields.

  7. Rainbow Mbuangi

    Visually impaired footballer Rainbow plays in the England Blind Football squad and works with our experts at the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences to ensure that he remains on top of his game.

  8. Courteney Peterson

    Courteney is an English graduate who became a mum while studying at LJMU. She went on to receive a prize as one of the top students thanks to her grit and determination to obtain her degree.

  9. Net Zero Maritime Energy Solutions (N0MES)

    Discover N0MES, a leading maritime energy research and training hub, fostering innovation in energy generation, distribution, and environmental impact. Led by top universities.