John Edge
In his interview John Edge talks about his responsibilities as a Purser, as well as the pay and conditions he experienced when working at Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to John's interview.
In his interview John Edge talks about his responsibilities as a Purser, as well as the pay and conditions he experienced when working at Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to John's interview.
Jean was a Secretary for Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to Jean's interview.
Denis Kelly worked in the marketing department for Elder Dempster Lines. Find out more about Denis's experiences by listening to his interview.
Obi Okeke was Third Mate for Elder Dempster Lines. In his interview, Obi talks about why he joined Elder Demspter Lines, about his time at the University of Southampton and what it was like on board in bad weather conditions.
Alan Wigelsworth began working for Elder Dempster Lines aged 15. Alan joined the company as office boy. Listen to Alan's interview.
John Goble was the Chief Officer for Elder Dempster Lines. John joined Elder Dempsters in 1963 as Third Mate. In his interview, John discusses the challenges of working at sea, his first impressions on West Africa and how the impact containerisation had on the industry.
Derek Bailey joined Elder Dempster Lines in 1957. In his interview, Derek recalls what it was like living on a ship with a wife and children at home. Derek also speaks about Elder Dempster Lines’ latter years.
As Second Engineer at Elder Dempster Lines, David was responsible for: the care and maintenance of machinery, the power generation, the pumping system, the refrigeration and other electrical items. Listen to David's interview.
Steve New began working for Elder Dempsters in 1962 as an Indentured Deck Officer Apprentice. In his interview, Steve talks about those early days in the engine room, the dangers of cleaning wheelhouse windows and about why Steve joined the Merchant Navy.
Brian McManus joined Elder Dempster Lines as a second officer and made his way up the ranks to master. Find out more about Brian's experiences onboard the ships by listening to his interview.