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  1. Mark Pennifold

    Member of the Board of Governors and Employment Committee

  2. Jo Stanley

    Dr Jo Stanley is a historian. Read about women who worked for Elder Dempster Lines, as well as two detailed pieces about the lives of two of Elders' former female employees - May Quinn and Julia Andrews.

  3. LJMU Sport

    Find out more about LJMU sport, join our gym, find out information about branding and see information about the facilities we offer and our sport participation programmes.

  4. Meet the Student Futures team

    Find out more about the Careers Team, the different roles they undertake and read our statements and guidelines, including our statement of service, equality and diversity statement, confidentiality statement and other useful information.

  5. Obi Okeke

    Obi Okeke was Third Mate for Elder Dempster Lines. In his interview, Obi talks about why he joined Elder Demspter Lines, about his time at the University of Southampton and what it was like on board in bad weather conditions.

  6. Elder Dempster events

    Throughout the year, we hold a number of events relating to Elder Dempster Lines. We'll post details about upcoming events on this page. Read more about the workshops, talks and training we've held in the past.

  7. LJMU Wellbeing Week

    Wellbeing Week, which runs every year provides an opportunity for staff and students to try out new approaches to staying healthy and happy; from yoga to music, knitting to meditation. See the programme of activities from Wellbeing Week 2021.

  8. Steve New

    Steve New began working for Elder Dempsters in 1962 as an Indentured Deck Officer Apprentice. In his interview, Steve talks about those early days in the engine room, the dangers of cleaning wheelhouse windows and about why Steve joined the Merchant Navy.