Tell your students about Freshers 22 activities
Students can sign up for Freshers 22 activities or staff can make a group booking for their programme.
Students can sign up for Freshers 22 activities or staff can make a group booking for their programme.
LJMU joins forces with Spanish astronomy institute to develop the world’s largest robotic telescope
Many thousands of malaria deaths could be averted thanks to new sensor technology being developed in the UK.
The critically endangered orangutan—one of human’s closet living relatives—has become a symbol of wild nature’s vulnerability in the face of human actions and an icon of rainforest conservation.
Film-maker Catherine Norton's new film is the only UK video-essay selected for Madrid film festival.
A new study involving LJMU’s world-leading animal conservationists says radical action is needed now to avert the loss of thousands more orangutans.
More than 200 students undergo practical training to deliver Playlist For Life treatment in care settings
LJMU to broadcast the 15-minute session via Melodic Distraction on Mon 27 February from 8.30am.
Apply now for a fully funded 3-year PhD scholarship or the newly piloted Internal Thematic Doctoral Pathway (TDP).
Liverpool workers’ memories of the Elder Dempster Lines, the UK’s largest shipping group trading between Western Europe and West Africa, have been recorded and captured as part of an online archive created by Liverpool John Moores University.