Guidance on 'Plan B' measures on COVID-19
Business as usual for teaching and research
Business as usual for teaching and research
Around 12 months after delivering her Roscoe Lecture on Eleanor Rathbone, Dr Susan Cohen again joined staff and students from LJMU for a special event at Speaker's House in London.
LJMU Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, Professor Nigel Weatherill, has been appointed Chairman of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic. The announcement of Professor Weatherill’s appointment as Chair for an initial three-year term has been made following approval of the recommendation by the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Board of Directors.
The Liverpool Centre for Cultural, Social and Political Research (CSPR) has been established to bring together expertise around humanities and social sciences to drive forward the impact of their work.
LJMU is one of the best performing universities in the UK for growing graduate earnings and helping students secure highly-skilled jobs.
In January 2015 Library Services piloted the use of a reading list management system, Rebus:List with 27 academics across the University with a soft launch that Summer.
LJMUs newest staff network has launched this February with over 70 attendees from across Professional Services attending the event online.
Dark Side Art Lab and The Cube are the first projects from The Dark Side.
Dr Alison Lui becomes Academic Fellow
LJMU’s Natural Capital Hub team has been helping primary school children learn more about their environment.