Physical Activity Exchange: Engagement and impact
Find out more about the engagement and impact of the Physical Activity Exchange.
Find out more about the engagement and impact of the Physical Activity Exchange.
See the Physical Activity Exchange's publications.
Find out more about the group members of the Physical Activity Exchange.
View and find out more about the members of the Coaching and Pedagogy Research Group.
See the Coaching and Pedagogy Research Group's publications.
Find out more information on self-managing chronic pain for people who live with pain and are looking to better manage their pain with prescribed medication.
Find out more information about opioids and why you might want to consider reducing them.
This project focuses on the lived experiences of people prescribed cannabis in the UK.
Artivism's research is divided into two strands, find out more about this work.
The Transformation Change Project is currently underway at Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, under the categories of acute, community and crisis. The aim is to complete a comprehensive evaluation of these changes, using a mixed methods approach.