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  1. Thought-provoking Roscoe Lecture

    Journalist and human rights activist, Rebecca Tinsley, delivered a thought-provoking Roscoe Lecture which delved into the human psyche, asking if genocide is part of our nature.

  2. Q &A with... Dr Rachel Broady

    Dr Rachel Broady, Lecturer of Media Culture and Communications takes part in a Q&A with MA Journalism student Mia O'Hare

  3. Next phase of CourseLoop set to go live

    The second phase of LJMU’s new curriculum management system is poised to go live and there will be temporary changes in how staff update their course information.

  4. Directed Study Week: 4-8 March 2019

    Directed Study Week is an exciting programme of workshops and webinars designed to help students study more effectively and get better results.