Law student duo secure prestigious Anthony Walker Bursary Scheme
Two School of Law students are celebrating their success after securing the prestigious Anthony Walker Bursary Scheme.
Two School of Law students are celebrating their success after securing the prestigious Anthony Walker Bursary Scheme.
Research at LJMU is helping to make a difference to the species extinction crisis by implementing conservation translocation best practice and advising government inquiries.
Exhibition at LJMU's Aldham Robarts Library compared mental health advice then and now
Scientists from LJMU's Astrophysics Research Institute part of team to discover Earth's nearest Black Hole
Memberships from £30 for students and £50 for staff/alumni
This week you’ll receive your results but how do you access them? What do they mean? And what should you do if you don’t get the results you wanted? Read our guidance and advice below.
The Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI) has been named as an official partner in the GROWTH scientific collaboration.
Tom Sedgwick, PhD student at the Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI), part of LJMU,has with a team of ARI astronomers discovered 140 ‘new’galaxies, with findings due to be published in April’s edition of the prestigious journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
LJMU works with NASA's James Webb Space Telescope on study of early Universe
Study in Nature Astronomy tracks role of hidden force in star and planet formation and more