Piltdown Man research on primetime TV
LJMU’s Dr Isabelle De Groote appeared on the BBC’s primetime hit TV programme, The One Show, during a special feature on the famous Piltdown Man forgeries.
LJMU’s Dr Isabelle De Groote appeared on the BBC’s primetime hit TV programme, The One Show, during a special feature on the famous Piltdown Man forgeries.
Discover the intertwined history of our species. A new free gallery officially opened at the World Museum Liverpool on 6th September 2019. The opening was marked by a family event: Human Evolution Festival, but the gallery is now open to the public and an activity trail will be available soon. Where do we come from? What makes us human? These fundamental mysteries have shaped the study of human origins for centuries. Trace our species’ evolution from the first upright primate through to modern humans.
It has been called the last men's club in journalism, but expect a much more female future for the UK's sport coverage.
Personal reflections on our great city of Liverpool underpin a new suite of portraits of the Vice-Chancellor and the Executive Leadership Team.
It is with great sadness that we have learned of the passing of Professor John Somauroo.
Three athletes supported by LJMUs Performance Sport team, at the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, have received national recognition for their achievements.
Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to His Honour Judge Clement Goldstone QC at Liverpool Cathedral on Wednesday 13 July 2016.
LJMU Ambassador Fellow, Professor Phil Redmond CBE, will today (Friday, 2 November) be awarded the Freedom of Liverpool – the city’s highest civic honour.
Information about who has been appointed to Academic Board
Widows join Dr Nadine Leese at National Army Museum on the making of the memorial Widows' Quilt