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Access course materials, assessments and coursework submissions online and much more…
Access course materials, assessments and coursework submissions online and much more…
Find out more about the Legal Team and how to get in touch with the team.
Recruitment and Selection Templates
Use of email by employees of Liverpool John Moores University is permitted and encouraged where such use supports the goals and objectives of the University.
The HR team have introduced a Hiring Manager Portal, available within our recruitment system – Hireserve. This will streamline the recruitment process and give Hiring Managers end-to-end control and visibility of their vacancies in one place, from initial request to advertise, shortlisting, inviting candidates to interview through to making an offer to your preferred candidate.
External Examining
LJMU Standard Payment Terms are 30 days from invoice date. Suppliers are paid to these terms unless otherwise agreed with Finance.
Information about your ID card, including regulations and what to do if you lose your University identity card.
Faculty colleague Andrew Kennedy has kindly offered to share his experiences of using shared documents on Office 365 both to support student group assessments and also to facilitate active and engaging shared writing and proof reading activities.
LJMU work closely with authorities and the local communities to make your our students experience at LJMU as safe as possible.