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  1. Screen School student hailed at international film festival

    A Screen School student has won first prize at the 2019 Pesaro Film Festival. Taking place in Pesaro, Italy, the festival recognises the talents of established and emerging filmmakers, and confers awards covering a range of areas, including a category for university students.

  2. REF 2021: World-leading research across LJMU

    Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) has more than doubled the amount of research that is judged to be world-leading or internationally-excellent by a national audit of UK universities.

  3. Launch of MSc Emergency Care module

    The universitys new and innovative MSc Emergency Care module has been well received, with more than 200 stakeholders, leaders and healthcare professionals attending the launch symposium.

  4. School of Law debates Ukraine invation

    The School of Law held a discussion day on Tuesday on Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine for people to learn more about the legal context of the war.