Homeless World Cup: Sport for health research
LJMU's School of Sport & Exercise Science hosts Homeless World Cup players and researches impact on individuals
LJMU's School of Sport & Exercise Science hosts Homeless World Cup players and researches impact on individuals
The International Universities Strength and Conditioning Association has recognised LJMU for the quality of its Performance Sport Internship Scheme.
Liverpool John Moores University’s School of Sport and Exercise Sciences has been named the 6th best department in the world according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) for the Sports Sciences subject area, highlighting the School’s global research influence. The results also show the School ranked as the 2nd best department in the UK and the 3rd best in Europe.
The final round of Discovery Internships for this academic year is open for applications from second (level 5) and final year (level 6) students.
We now have dedicated information on our student support webpages, for transgender and non-binary students, to find out how to get help and support while at university, as well as requesting a name change via LJMU.
Liverpool John Moores University has been selected to take on a key role with the prestigious International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU).
First Round Table on Diversity in the Workplace with LJMU and the Liverpool Race Equality Hub
LJMU is applying for Silver-level Athena Swan accreditation and want to hear your views on working at LJMU.
A new Public Health Institute has been established at Liverpool John Moores University to respond to the varied and complex public health issues of the 21st Century.
Liverpool is a safe UK city, but it pays to be aware of your personal safety. Here are our top tips for staying safe in the city.